You, the leader coach.

As a leader, we have many responsibilities and wear several hats. The best way to build the business is to help people, mainly your key people grow. You may have seen or heard me say PEOPLE GROWTH = BUSINESS GROWTH, and LACK OF PEOPLE GROWTH =BUSINESS IN DECAY. How about this thought—what is worse, investing in and developing people, and they leave? Or, not develop them, and they stay? I have learned that coaching begins by seeing greatness in people and helping them discover it. I love this quote from German writer Goethe, "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being." Your belief in people will [...]

By |2023-08-15T18:33:03+00:00August 15th, 2023|Coaching|0 Comments

The destination disease. 

Destination disease is such a strong phrase that John Maxwell coined.  As a leader, we need to avoid this disease at all costs. The consequences are not good. So, what is destination disease, you ask? It is when you believe you have arrived, have all the answers, are at the top, and have success in your pocket. As a result, the tendency is to stop growing, stop learning, and stop pushing to acquire new skills and knowledge. It is not hard to be content, especially at the top. You have the influence and respect of your people. Here is what I know to be true when you are through learning, YOU ARE THROUGH. That's it, plain and simple. The bottom [...]

By |2023-08-08T18:29:16+00:00August 8th, 2023|Leadership|0 Comments

What is your standard? 

As a leader, we all have standards. What is acceptable performance? What will you not tolerate? We all want to rise to the next level, and we expect that of our team. So I have a question for all of us, myself included, do you have a standard of excellence? Webster's New World Dictionary defined excellence as "superiority." Superiority begins and ends with you, the leader. You must expect excellence from yourself, live it out and be an example for others. Co-Founder of Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co. Horst Schulze authored the book, "Excellence Wins." If you have ever stayed at a Ritz-Carlton, you will experience excellence from the moment you walk in the door (or when you book your stay). Allow [...]

By |2023-08-01T18:26:11+00:00August 1st, 2023|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

Strengths or weaknesses? 

Ok, which one do you focus on? Which one do you have a team member focus on? Conventional wisdom suggests, "You already excel at something. Put your energy into improving your weakness." That sounds good, except we need to put the question through the filter of "Where will I get the best ROI?" Because you have limited time. Your time is precious; we need to be careful where we invest our time. Management guru Peter Drucker states, "Put your time and energy into your strengths; you will make your weaknesses irrelevant." I subscribe to that thinking. I have learned we have the best opportunity for growth where we know the most. Please know that I am not dismissing addressing areas that need [...]

By |2023-07-26T13:31:04+00:00July 26th, 2023|Leadership|0 Comments

The paradox of customer focus 

As leaders, we want to build our teams. We want them to buy into the vision and mission. We expect them to be customer-focused. I don’t know about you, but I have experienced companies that state they are customer-focused, but their actions speak otherwise. They may have an impressive mission statement on the wall, but no one heeds it. Then there are leaders of other companies who see the value of customer focus but are unable to align their people with the vision and mission and move them into their daily practice. Now, there are other leaders who clearly articulate where they want to go and why they are going there. They walk the talk and model customer-focused behaviors. For [...]

By |2023-07-20T12:20:47+00:00July 20th, 2023|Coaching, Leadership|0 Comments
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