There are many things great leaders do that differentiate them. I have identified 10. Over the next two weeks, I will share them with you.

Great leaders care but never compromise. 
As leaders, we must care about our people. We must continually seek to understand them. We must point them in the right direction to the resources that will help them. There is a fine line between care and candor. There are times when we need to call them out, hold them to a higher standard, and never compromise our culture and values.

Great leaders inspire, not try to motivate. 
I have learned I can’t motivate someone to perform. I thought I could. Motivation comes from within. Our role as leaders is to create an environment for them to discover what is inside them. Help them discover their WHY. When the WHY is put into action, performance

Great leaders always stay connected to their best. 
We can’t take our top performers for granted. Your Top 20% should always be top of mind. Discover how we can serve them. Continually ask and listen. Be their strategic thinking partner.

Great leaders encourage more. 
Everyone loves to be encouraged. Everyone loves to be valued. There is no substitute for encouragement. It has been said that “encouragement is oxygen for the soul.”

Great leaders are coaches. 
As leaders, we have the privilege to be a guide, their GPS and help them navigate challenges and opportunities. A coach will provide open and honest feedback, and create a cadence of accountability.