

Change: The influence for the future. 

I love this quote: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." President John F. Kennedy. As leaders, we are influencers of events and people. Yes, we are known as CHANGE AGENTS. We don't need more room in our house for the status quo. This must be the mantra of every leader today. As a leader, you must promote continuous creativity, innovation, and improved performance as part of your STANDARD OPERATING PLAN (SOP). Here is the challenge: Most people rarely welcome change. They are comfortable with the status quo. The bottom line is that leaders were created to turn the status quo upside down and bring positive change. So, how [...]

By |2024-07-31T15:55:07+00:00July 31st, 2024|Coaching, Leadership|0 Comments

The decisions you make today are____________.

Allow me to complete the sentence. The decisions you make today are the stories you tell TOMORROW. Think about it for a moment: We are where we are and doing what we are doing because of decisions we made prior. Each day, we have choices to make, such as what, where, how, and with whom. When you are in a leadership role with plenty of responsibility, several direct reports, and needing more days, choices are challenging. So, what is a leader to do? The first decision is to be very jealous of your time. This is where prioritization comes in. You likely have appointments on the calendar, a list of to-do’s, etc. The challenging decision is to determine WHAT you SHOULD [...]

By |2024-04-01T21:02:50+00:00March 27th, 2024|Coaching|0 Comments

Inspire your team to persevere. 

I have been reflecting on the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton. He led the entire crew of his ship, Endurance, to safety after being marooned on an ice floe for 15 months. Forced to abandon his original plan to cross the Antarctic, Shackleton's story holds strong lessons for leaders facing uncontrollable change. Here are a few of his actions that you can put in place today that helped his people -- and will help yours -- keep the faith during periods of upheaval: Redefine achievable goals. People need clear goals to keep their spirits and productivity up. Shackleton told his crew they would live on the ice pack until it broke up and use the ship's lifeboats to sail safely. [...]

By |2024-04-01T21:01:30+00:00March 20th, 2024|Coaching|0 Comments

What is a leader to do?

If you are leading, nothing is more rewarding than guiding someone to grow and become all they can be. It doesn't matter if you lead a large company, a department, or a small group of team members. Your leadership (your influence) matters. Leading, as you know, is also very challenging at times. People are complex, emotional, and have preferences (I could make a long list of what I mean). So what is a leader to do? Is there a secret sauce? Well, I'm not sure about a secret formula, but I can remind you and share some truths I have come to hold on to it. Your people buy into you before buying into your vision and plan.  As a [...]

By |2024-03-08T18:00:44+00:00March 8th, 2024|Coaching, Development, Leadership|0 Comments

Who should get my time?

That is an excellent question for leaders. Your organization's size or responsibility will likely give you the answer. In most cases, you can’t give time equally. In simple terms, in my view, fair isn’t equal. As leaders, we must be jealous of how we use time and with whom. We must be careful not to treat time like we will never run out of it. It isn’t infinite. It is finite, and we are in control. You are likely familiar with the so-called 80/20 Rule—The Pareto Principle. An Italian economist developed the idea in the early 20th century. He observed a pattern that naturally occurred in nearly every aspect of life—from landowners to sales results. For example: 20% of a [...]

By |2023-11-28T18:48:07+00:00November 8th, 2023|Coaching, Development, Leadership|0 Comments
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