

The importance of delegation.

All leaders know how important delegation is. We have many tasks and activities that someone else on the team should be doing. Here is the challenge: when we get overloaded, the temptation is to just "get this off my to-do list." Care must be taken to ensure we are not pushing our work to someone else. That is not delegation. When delegating, we must be confident that the other person can execute the task effectively. Below are some questions to consider before delegating. Do they have time? Do they need help prioritizing? Have they expressed interest in the task or project? Do they have the necessary skills to execute? Do they typically meet deadlines? If others are involved, do they [...]

By |2024-05-07T16:50:01+00:00May 7th, 2024|Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Just give me praise, please.

Recognizing a job well done or an "over the top" achievement is always welcomed by your people. Research has shown that praise and recognition are as important and, in some instances, more important than money. For example, if you received a note written to you from your boss, you have likely kept that the longest in your drawer; in fact, you may still have it. Why is that? Because praise works for everyone, there is no such thing as too much praise (as long as it's sincere). I have learned that regardless of individual preferences, virtually all employees want to hear what great work they have done. By the way, they wouldn't mind hearing it over again. It's like a sweet [...]

By |2024-02-27T22:04:27+00:00February 27th, 2024|Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

My Journal. 

I recently reviewed my journals and thought I would share some truths I jotted down. My intention is that you may find something here that will help you MAKE TODAY YOUR MASTERPIECE. “I must keep investing in my top 20% and give them disproportionate time and energy.” “I must remember not to confuse busyness with results. There is no substitute for results. That is what separates a leader." “People will support what they help create. Put them in the vision and mission and tell them where they contribute.” “If I don’t like change, I will like irrelevance less.” “I must own the culture and recruit some culture carriers.” “I will commit to lifelong learning. Improving and getting better is not an [...]

By |2022-09-13T17:55:42+00:00September 14th, 2022|Empowering|0 Comments

Knowledge is Power.

I learned the phrase, “knowledge is power,” many years ago. Indeed, learning and even mastering a subject is satisfying. My intention today is to remind us that “knowledge without action can be powerless.” We can read volumes, listen to podcasts, audiobooks, attend seminars and workshops, and gain valuable information, only to discover there is very little value, if any, without putting into action the concepts, ideas, or principles you have learned. Being a lifelong learner is critical for leaders. However, unless we COMMIT to an action plan from what we have just learned, I ask you,  how valuable was the learning experience? Below are some questions to ask yourself as you seek the power in knowledge: Is what I just [...]

By |2022-03-01T21:25:51+00:00March 1st, 2022|Development, Empowering|0 Comments

Some truths to apply to your daily life.

I wish you and your loved ones all the best health and happiness in the New Year. This week I would like to share some beliefs that have strengthened and guided me for years. Next week I will share some quotes from others who have influenced me. I hope that these truths and affirmations will guide you in the new year and for years to come. My Beliefs: Today do something where you will feel fulfilled, optimistic, and grateful. Strength comes from the struggle. Today’s struggle becomes tomorrow’s strength. You can make excuses, and you can make changes, but you can’t do both. A setback is a set-up for the comeback. You didn’t come this far, to come this far. Stop [...]

By |2022-01-22T16:04:20+00:00January 5th, 2022|Empowering|0 Comments
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