Allow me to complete the sentence. The decisions you make today are the stories you tell TOMORROW.

Think about it for a moment: We are where we are and doing what we are doing because of decisions we made prior. Each day, we have choices to make, such as what, where, how, and with whom. When you are in a leadership role with plenty of responsibility, several direct reports, and needing more days, choices are challenging. So, what is a leader to do?

The first decision is to be very jealous of your time. This is where prioritization comes in. You likely have appointments on the calendar, a list of to-do’s, etc. The challenging decision is to determine WHAT you SHOULD DO, not what you must do. Where and with whom will you get the best ROI for your time?

As leaders, we invest time, not spend time. We are not in the status quo mindset. We expect change and progress to get results.

The decision to be intentional about your time is critical. In my recent book, Make Today Your Masterpiece, I stress the value of maximizing your today and provide a plan of action to help you design your own Daily Masterpiece.

The bottom line is that all we really have is today. Yesterday ended at midnight. Today is filled with opportunities to make a difference and add value to someone. It is your choice, your decision. Go for it.

Lastly, I encourage you to get a Make Today Your Masterpiece copy. Many people have purchased some for their team and conduct roundtable discussions (it will be a good ROI, I promise.) : )