Who should I lead next? 

I was asked that question this week by an entrepreneur who is building his company and team. He is a new client to LeadOne and I think I shocked him with my direct response. I simply said, "How about you? You should be the first person you lead." I strongly believe if we can’t effectively lead ourselves, how can we lead others? He continued by asking, "What does leading myself look like?" Perhaps, you are asking that as well? I suggested he think of words or activities that he believes are critical to effectively leading others—in other words, characteristics and skills a leader should have. As soon as he started to identify them, he knew where I was taking him. Some [...]

By |2022-07-21T20:07:25+00:00July 13th, 2022|Leadership|0 Comments

Your most important asset always deserves your attention.

It should be no secret to you, in my opinion, and experience that the most important assets in our organizations are our people and in particular our leaders and top performers. As leaders, when we create and commit to a process of training, coaching, and mentoring, it may be the best investment of time and energy. You are busy, stuff is going on, plenty of irons in the fire, I know. I also know and remind us all not to act as if time and experience alone will improve our people. It requires resources, time, and attention. Allow me to be direct and blunt to make the point – if we don’t invest time and money in good people, we [...]

By |2022-07-07T17:05:35+00:00July 6th, 2022|Leadership|0 Comments

“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.”

 The above is a quote from legendary UCLA Basketball Coach John Wooden. Great leaders in any field are constantly learning and growing. I also firmly believe that “Learners are not always leaders, but leaders are always learners.” The origin of that quote is unknown, so I suggest we all claim it as our own and begin applying that practice to our daily lives. You see, I believe, if you are not continually learning, you are not leading to your full potential. A short time ago, after delivering a keynote on, Leaders are Lifelong Learners, an attendee approached me with this question," Bob as a new leader, what do you think I should work on improving?” She added, “I am pretty good [...]

By |2022-07-07T17:04:13+00:00June 29th, 2022|Leadership|0 Comments

How is your framing?

As leaders, we are constantly in meetings and having one-to-one conversations with team members. As a result, you have to deeply appreciate the POWER OF YOUR WORDS. Over the years I realized that every syllable that came out of my mouth was noticed and scrutinized. I have found every word has a meaning that evokes images and ideas and reminds people of their past experiences and values. The wrong word can send a message that you never intended. GUILTY AS CHARGED ( speaking for myself). The solution is simple, however, difficult to put into practice with the pressures of the day-to-day and our bias toward results. I have learned the key is PREPARATION. Prior to the meeting or one-to-one, think [...]

By |2022-07-07T16:59:51+00:00June 22nd, 2022|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments

A simple question.

As a leader, I have discovered powerful questions are the key to effective coaching and the development of people. So here is my question, "How powerful and impactful are your questions?" Great questions are like gold, very valuable, and also rare. We need to take care and intend not to ask closed-end questions. Answers from a team member that are Yes, No, Ok, Fine fail in providing accurate information required in addressing potential issues/opportunities. Also, these types of questions often lack what is needed to bring out the best solution to the team member’s growth. Like many skills required as a leader, learning to ask powerful questions requires time, practice, and training. However, when learned these questions not only add value [...]

By |2022-07-07T16:58:37+00:00June 15th, 2022|Coaching, Leadership|0 Comments
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