I’m sure we all would want our team members to say that. So how does that happen? Well, it is simple- but not easy. Now is the time to assess your leadership’s so-called “softer skills.”

Here is something to think about as you strive to increase performance:

  • It is difficult leading someone you don’t value; do you value them? And most important, do they know that? Have you told them?
  • Do you acknowledge achievements both in public and privately?
  • Do you look for and acknowledge their strengths?
  • Do you think you are upfront and straightforward about problem areas?
  • Do you listen to them?
  • When you are in a one-to-one, do they feel they are the most critical person in your world at that time? This art is worth mastering.

These are just a few that come to mind that I wanted to share with you as a reminder. After all, when we are building people, they will build the organization.

We need to see people not as they are but as they can become. See more in people than they see in themselves. Help them climb out of their “limiting beliefs” and into the arena of possibilities.

The bottom line is that it’s about being the kind of leader they want to follow. It’s about believing so firmly in people that their awareness of your belief in them causes them to rise to new heights of individual growth and achievement.