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So far Bob Fashano has created 170 blog entries.

If it ain’t broke, don’t__________. 

Do you recognize that saying? You likely have said it or heard it said. There certainly is merit in that belief. If the system/process is working on all cylinders, leaving it alone is the wisest thing to do. Yes, at first blush, that makes sense. I have been part of that belief. Ok, but what if it is not broken, and you DISCOVER there is a crack someplace? What if "decay" builds up, and you can't see it until there is so much pain the "tooth" needs to be extracted? The operative word here is DISCOVER. In simple terms, you can only discover if you go looking. This is like success. Success can lead to complacency, a mindset that says, "We [...]

By |2023-06-20T18:56:05+00:00June 20th, 2023|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

Celebrate success.  Isn’t it true there is something that happens when you celebrate? It really doesn’t matter WHAT is celebrated; it is simply a joyful time recognizing something SPECIAL. As leaders, we should constantly be aware of an occasion to celebrate success and achievement. Celebrating doesn’t mean a trip to Vegas or Cabo San Lucas. Celebrating success is more of an attitude, a mindset, a philosophy. We create a culture where we notice and recognize, and celebrate victories. It can become our natural way of behavior. We celebrate little and big wins. Whether you lead a company, department, division or team, you build an achievement-based culture when you celebrate and recognize your people. You are creating an ongoing, self -perpetuating cycle [...]

By |2023-06-13T20:23:55+00:00June 13th, 2023|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments

Not another meeting.

When you are in leadership, you are in plenty of meetings. In many instances, you are leading and facilitating the discussion. You can be confident that around the "watercooler," your people occasionally say," Oh no, not another meeting." Knowing that your team resents another meeting is not a good feeling as the leader. So, what can you do about making the meetings more productive? Here are some "meeting rules "I have found helpful that may help the team look forward to the meeting. It is up to you, the leader, to adhere to them. Have a specific goal for the meeting (be sure to communicate this) Have an agenda, and be sure to stick to it (careful of rabbit trails) [...]

By |2023-05-31T00:47:05+00:00May 31st, 2023|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments

It’s the customer-s_________

Ok, I'm not trying to be cute. I want to remind us to follow Ritz- Carlton's lead. You may recall their world-famous mantra –WE ARE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN SERVING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. You know what I mean if you have stayed at a Ritz-Carlton Hotel. They do not consider their business as a hotel business. They are in the EXPERIENCE business. The expectations are simple from top to bottom—create an unbelievable experience with every customer encounter. The focus for Ritz Carlton is always on the customer, making them feel like they are staying in their home. Indeed, this is a good model for all leaders. We need to know what customers want and need and how your services can impact [...]

By |2023-05-17T00:27:03+00:00May 17th, 2023|Leadership|0 Comments

What is vision?

Plenty has been spoken and written about vision, so what is vision? For starters, it should be in writing. When you write your vision out, clarity will be present. An unwritten vision is like using a GPS without specifying the destination. When you put the vision in writing and review it consistently, the brain's GPS kicks in. The head and heart collaborate to reach the desired destination. Most great visions come out of real burden and passion. It is visceral and cerebral. It becomes about who you are and what you do. A compelling vision paints a picture of a better tomorrow. Here is what I know to be true, if you want to develop, communicate, and maximize a compelling vision, [...]

By |2023-05-09T17:26:43+00:00May 9th, 2023|Leadership|0 Comments
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