As leaders, we want to build our teams. We want them to buy into the vision
and mission. We expect them to be customer-focused.

I don’t know about you, but I have experienced companies that state they are customer-focused, but their actions speak otherwise. They may have an impressive mission statement on the wall, but no one heeds it. Then there are leaders of other companies who see the value of customer focus but are unable to align their people with the vision and mission and move them into their daily practice.

Now, there are other leaders who clearly articulate where they want to go and why they are going there. They walk the talk and model customer-focused behaviors. For them, customer focus is a value, not a strategy. It is not something they preach; it’s something they practice.

So where is the paradox I stated up above? When people focus on serving others or working toward something that creates value for others, they like themselves more. Their self-esteem, energy, enthusiasm, and commitment all increase. They become more productive and fulfilled. There is the paradox.

When we focus on something outside ourselves, we feel better about ourselves.
If you have ever volunteered for a non-profit organization, you know exactly
what I mean—a good feeling down deep.

As leaders, we can inspire motivation in our people. To the extent the common
purpose creates value in others; the people are energized, and their interests,  enthusiasm, and energy quicken.

When this happens, we have a clear purpose that creates value for the customer. Each person knows where they “fit” into the purpose—and they become empowered.