How are you different? Your clients, your prospects are asking the question.

As you well know, we are in an environment where there are plenty of financial advisors, financial planners, investment specialists, insurance brokers and the list can go on.

In addition, the media, famous authors (i.e., Orman and Ramsey) as well as the internet are all sources of information and “advice.”

So I ask again on behalf of your clients and prospects, “Why should I do business with you?” In many instances, the prospect doesn’t directly ask the question – but in every instance, they think it – they are interested in your difference and distinction.

We all know of the incredible value we create in our business relationships – and we know we are making a difference in the lives we touch.
A challenge we often face is how to communicate our difference. In particular, in what ways should we differentiate?

I have learned that there are three ways you can differentiate yourself, they are:

  1. You
    What are your values?
    What do they stand for?
    What is your why statement?
    Why should they do business with you?
    Do you have a personal value statement?
    By the way, if you do not have one,
    we’ll help you craft one.
    Remember, people join relationships and
    they leave relationships.
  2. Your Process
    How you help the client/prospect discover solutions to their financial concerns
  3. Your Company
    What are the company values? Will the company provide you with ongoing support?
    The company could be AAG/Guardian?

If you haven’t done so, I encourage you to craft a brief statement that will succinctly articulate your value, your process and your company.
Always remember, you make a difference – let them know your value.