

Establishing trust. 

Every leader wants an environment where all team members feel they are an integral part, and that they are contributing to the good of the organization. When this happens, we get results. To build an environment like this, we must start with TRUST. This is not new, we know this. The question is, it may seem natural and easy, but how do we do it? I have found we must demonstrate and show people we BELIEVE and CARE about them. Here are four steps you can take that may help in establishing the needed TRUST. BELIEVE THAT YOUR PEOPLE WANT TO CONTRIBUTE Here is what I know to be true—most if not all (maybe 99%) of the people come to [...]

By |2021-08-04T02:01:24+00:00August 4th, 2021|Coaching, Development, Leadership|0 Comments

Our people want to feel this.

Here is what I have learned to be true, deep down in our DNA as humans is the desire to feel connected and be known. Relationship coach Kyle Benson refers to attunement. That is the desire and willingness for someone to travel into your inner world to explore who you are and who you are becoming.... this connection cultivates trust. I found that over time every team member will have a challenging season in their life. How we respond as leaders is crucial. Ideally we would like our team members to leave their issues at home. Guess what, in most cases they can't, somehow their challenges find a way to impact behavior on their daily duties as well as others. [...]

By |2021-07-28T02:29:40+00:00July 28th, 2021|Coaching, Connecting, Leadership, Listening|0 Comments

Lead by example.

Albert Schweitzer said, “Example isn’t the main thing”. What he was really saying was that all the words we speak as a leader mean nothing if your life doesn’t back it up. Being credible is a critical quality a leader should possess. Hypocrisy is the biggest killer of credibility. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said “You can issue all the memos and give all the motivational speeches you want, but if the people in your organization don’t see you putting fourth your very best every single day, they won’t either.” The old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words," applies in leadership. Most people are visual learners. Most people need to see an example or model before they [...]

By |2021-07-20T21:47:53+00:00July 20th, 2021|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

To enforce or reinforce — that is the question? 

As a leader of people, we need to understand the difference. There are theories on the best way to lead people. For example, there is iron-fisted enforcement, or positive recognition and reinforcement. Let’s check Webster on the definitions: enforce: controlling, force something to happen, make sure a rule or law is obeyed. Reinforce: make something stronger, support, help, amplify. Both words denote getting results from an individual or team. However, the manner in which these results are achieved are very different. I am certain your people don’t wake up every morning and say, "I can’t wait to go to work today and be controlled, manipulated, or managed." I am confident they are willing to be led by a leader who is interested [...]

By |2021-07-06T18:30:25+00:00July 6th, 2021|Leadership|0 Comments

Ask questions.

"The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions," Claude Levi-Strauss. In developing and coaching people, we must cultivate the habit of curiosity. At times this can be challenging, we are busy and want to get to the bottom line. Nurturing curiosity requires creativity and intentionality--this can take time. Questions are critical to curiosity. Asking questions keeps you informed, in touch, and aware. In reality, how many of us invest time in developing good questions prior to a one-on-one meeting? Here is an idea to consider: set aside ten minutes prior to your one-on-one's and jot down critical questions. Make sure they are open-ended to inspire dialogue. During your meeting STAY CURIOUS, ask more questions as [...]

By |2021-06-15T18:47:19+00:00June 15th, 2021|Connecting, Development, Leadership, Listening|0 Comments
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