

Leadership and Problem-Solving.

The Sufi philosopher Azhar Khan once said “Life is a continuous succession of problems, like waves from the ocean. They never stop.” If that is true, solving problems is a critical leadership competency. Like an accident where someone is hurt you focus on caring for the injured person, stopping the bleeding, and minimizing damage before you start analyzing what and how it happened. Over the years I have learned when faced with a problem or crisis to discipline myself by intentionally staying calm, and thinking in terms of "what can be done now," rather than how it occurred and who is to blame. There will be time to reflect on the what and how and learn from that. Below are [...]

By |2022-07-07T16:18:53+00:00April 14th, 2022|Coaching, Leadership|0 Comments

Conflict is inevitable — now what? 

The fact remains, that we will always have conflict. On the job, with the boss, if you’re the boss with employees, at home in our relationships, and even outside the home. Frankly, as a leader, IT COMES WITH THE TERRITORY, we may not like it, but as the overused statement goes “it is what it is." How well you manage and handle conflict can be a deal-breaker. Conflict is like fire. When it sparks, it can intensify, spread, and cause pain, loss, and irreparable damage. It can distract, derail, and possibly destroy relationships. However, conflict is not an inherently bad thing. Different views, beliefs, feelings, values, and ideas will often collide. That is everyday life. My main point is, that [...]

By |2022-07-07T16:16:48+00:00April 6th, 2022|Leadership|0 Comments

That doesn’t just happen.

Last year I had the privilege and opportunity to get to know Pastor Michael Kai, and I can tell you that he is an inspirational leader. I just finished reading his latest book, “That Doesn’t Just Happen,” and I highly recommend reading it if you are looking to build a culture of true excellence. I love his title. That is so true with your personal growth and development. Your growth and your leadership development "doesn't just happen." You must be intentional and have a plan. For me, it starts with asking myself these questions: How will I be different next year at this time? What new knowledge will I have to acquire to perfect my craft and leadership? What new habits [...]

By |2022-03-29T17:33:02+00:00March 29th, 2022|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

What is the purpose of the business?

I was addressing a business fraternity at a university recently, and I was asked, "What is the purpose of the business?"  I shared that my old answer to that question would have been, "To make a profit. Otherwise, why be in business?" But what I have learned is that profits are simply the result of the purpose. I shared that in the simplest terms, the purpose of the business is to create and cost-effectively keep a customer. Because without customers, there is no business. A critical measurement of success in any business is customer satisfaction. Every system, process, and activity must be aimed at satisfying customers in a manner that beats the competition. All successful businesses rely on repeat business, [...]

By |2022-03-15T18:38:38+00:00March 15th, 2022|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

A plan for today.

It's easy to get "stuck" on yesterday's losses, missed opportunities, or on outcomes we hoped would have gone differently. Yesterday ended at midnight, and today is a new day to refocus your energies, concentration, and passion. However, it's time for some tough love: it's time to move on and make a plan for today. You know what you need, more than I do. What can you commit to as you spend time reflecting on your day? Here are ideas to get you started, but come up with your own to ensure you end today knowing you did the best you could. Today, I will: Make better decisions Add value to another person Be kinder Express gratitude Learn something new Be more [...]

By |2022-02-22T15:37:04+00:00February 22nd, 2022|Leadership|0 Comments
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