

What’s in a vision?

If you Google vision, you will find many resources on how to craft the perfect vision statement. Creating a vision for any organization takes time, effort, and leadership support; but they are essential to the future of any organization.  Here are a few things I think are important to creating a vision. Your people will never buy-in to your vision until they have bought into you.  Don't be naive. Just because you are in charge doesn't mean you have automatic buy- in. Your leadership must be earned. I have learned there are two aspects people must buy-in: YOUR CHARACTER and YOUR COMPETENCE. In other words: can I trust you? And how will you help me get better? The vision must be [...]

By |2020-10-14T00:50:00+00:00October 14th, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Declare a war on poor performance. 

As leaders, we should create an environment where people come to work every day to prove themselves over and over again. No one gets paid to budget their efforts or pace themselves. That is easier said than done, I know this very painfully. Too many compromises, too many hanger-oners, too many lack of performers. Through the years , I have learned some truths that may help in declaring a war on poor performance. Evaluate your roster and ask yourself whether you would re-hire your people. If not, it's time to exercise what is referred to as the Three T's to turn things around: train, transfer, or terminate.  Identify which poor performers are diminishing your standards. Be aware that keeping the [...]

By |2020-10-07T00:20:18+00:00October 7th, 2020|Coaching, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Is it family, or is it team?

In a merit culture, the organization needs to be run like a team rather than like a family. On occasion I have heard a member of our team describe our organization as "one big happy family." This sounds nice; it's a warm and fuzzy (everyone has trophy mindset). This mindset has no place in a performance based culture in business. For example, family models tend to be forgiving and accepting. In a family, no one is judged: everyone is accepted and benefits strictly because they belong -- not because they perform. Family models are too generous and too tolerant to serve in a merit culture business. Membership in a family is the epitome of entitlement -- it is assumed and not earned. [...]

By |2020-09-23T11:47:26+00:00September 23rd, 2020|Coaching, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Trust: it’s the currency of a relationship

A few years ago, Gallup conducted an international study where workers were polled, and 58% of them said they trust a stranger more than their boss. Wow, that hurts. What leader does not want to be trusted in the workplace? After all, if we have no trust, there is no relationship. Trust is the currency paid. This is what I have learned to be true: Trust rules your personal credibility Trust rules your ability to get things done Trust rules your team's cohesiveness Trust rules your organization's innovation and performance Trust rules your brand image Trust rules just about everything you do When the dust all clears, getting people to work together begins with building mutual trust. Before asking for trust from others, [...]

By |2020-09-09T11:31:15+00:00September 9th, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Your most valuable currency 

Emotional intelligence author Daniel Goleman  suggests, "As a leader moves up in an organization, up to 90% of their success lies in emotional intelligence." He further points out, "The three primary derailers are: difficulty handling change, not being able to work well in a team, and poor interpersonal relations." Guess that pretty well says it all. Over the years I have learned (and I am still learning) that the leader's most valuable currency is not money, nor is it IQ, multiple degrees, the number of techno gizmos attached to your person, industry experience, good looks, charisma, ability to create strategies and a business plan (how be they important) read a profit and loss statement, and well, you get the point. I [...]

By |2020-08-26T11:39:20+00:00August 26th, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments
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