What is the purpose of the business?

I was addressing a business fraternity at a university recently, and I was asked, "What is the purpose of the business?"  I shared that my old answer to that question would have been, "To make a profit. Otherwise, why be in business?" But what I have learned is that profits are simply the result of the purpose. I shared that in the simplest terms, the purpose of the business is to create and cost-effectively keep a customer. Because without customers, there is no business. A critical measurement of success in any business is customer satisfaction. Every system, process, and activity must be aimed at satisfying customers in a manner that beats the competition. All successful businesses rely on repeat business, [...]

By |2022-03-15T18:38:38+00:00March 15th, 2022|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

The trials of time management. 

Napoleon Hill said, “ If you do not conquer yourself, you will be conquered by self.” We talk and hear a lot about self-discipline. There may be no other area in your life that is more important than how you manage your time; I believe it is a core discipline that largely determines the quality of your life. I have lived long enough to experience the consequences of not taking charge of “The Clock.” Here is what I know to be accurate: time is perishable; it cannot be saved; once it is gone, you can never get it back. All results require time. Time management is the ability to choose the sequence of events. We have to decide what comes; [...]

By |2022-03-08T20:38:54+00:00March 8th, 2022|Development|0 Comments

Knowledge is Power.

I learned the phrase, “knowledge is power,” many years ago. Indeed, learning and even mastering a subject is satisfying. My intention today is to remind us that “knowledge without action can be powerless.” We can read volumes, listen to podcasts, audiobooks, attend seminars and workshops, and gain valuable information, only to discover there is very little value, if any, without putting into action the concepts, ideas, or principles you have learned. Being a lifelong learner is critical for leaders. However, unless we COMMIT to an action plan from what we have just learned, I ask you,  how valuable was the learning experience? Below are some questions to ask yourself as you seek the power in knowledge: Is what I just [...]

By |2022-03-01T21:25:51+00:00March 1st, 2022|Development, Empowering|0 Comments

A plan for today.

It's easy to get "stuck" on yesterday's losses, missed opportunities, or on outcomes we hoped would have gone differently. Yesterday ended at midnight, and today is a new day to refocus your energies, concentration, and passion. However, it's time for some tough love: it's time to move on and make a plan for today. You know what you need, more than I do. What can you commit to as you spend time reflecting on your day? Here are ideas to get you started, but come up with your own to ensure you end today knowing you did the best you could. Today, I will: Make better decisions Add value to another person Be kinder Express gratitude Learn something new Be more [...]

By |2022-02-22T15:37:04+00:00February 22nd, 2022|Leadership|0 Comments

Five Critical Questions

Let's get real: being a leader is not for the weak. When you raised your hand or were asked to step up and lead, you accepted one heck of a challenge. Now might be an excellent time to check in on five critical questions on your leadership. CLARITY Are you clear on what you stand for? Are you clear on your vision? Are you clear on your strategies and objectives? Have the above been communicated? COMPETENCE Are you setting a standard of excellence in all areas of your influence? Are you continually and intentionally learning and growing in leadership skills? Are you continually seeking ways to improve your products and services to customers/clients? COMMITMENT Are you committed to the vision? [...]

By |2022-02-16T02:05:12+00:00February 16th, 2022|Leadership|0 Comments
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