What is framing?

As a leader, your words are powerful. Framing is simply intentionally choosing words to set your listener's expectations. Leaders too often say things that send the wrong message and unintentionally bring up topics that distract their teams. I can most certainly plead guilty to this. I have committed that sin more than I care to remember. However, what I have learned in the process is to prepare. And then prepare some more. There is no substitute for lack of preparation. Here is a challenge for you: Did you intentionally prepare what you wanted to say before your last difficult conversation or meeting? I have found that every syllable that comes out of my mouth will be noticed and scrutinized. Wow—that [...]

By |2022-10-06T01:10:43+00:00September 21st, 2022|Coaching|0 Comments

My Journal. 

I recently reviewed my journals and thought I would share some truths I jotted down. My intention is that you may find something here that will help you MAKE TODAY YOUR MASTERPIECE. “I must keep investing in my top 20% and give them disproportionate time and energy.” “I must remember not to confuse busyness with results. There is no substitute for results. That is what separates a leader." “People will support what they help create. Put them in the vision and mission and tell them where they contribute.” “If I don’t like change, I will like irrelevance less.” “I must own the culture and recruit some culture carriers.” “I will commit to lifelong learning. Improving and getting better is not an [...]

By |2022-09-13T17:55:42+00:00September 14th, 2022|Empowering|0 Comments

Is excellence a choice? 

Webster’s new world dictionary defines excellence as superiority, excellent as an adjective is first in class, highest grade, best, obtainable, or distinctive. Frankly, it doesn’t matter if you are a bus boy, bank teller, flight attendant, school teacher, administrative assistant, or a busy executive; excellence is a choice. However, when you wear the hat of a leader (a person who can influence another), you have no choice. Meaningful, sustainable impact and change can only come from a leader committed to excellence. I believe in the above context; excellence is when you intentionally use all the available resources to create a positive change in whatever you are engaged in. After all, who wants to be average? To make a sustainable impact, average [...]

By |2022-09-13T17:53:35+00:00September 7th, 2022|Coaching, Leadership|0 Comments

Asking Purposeful Questions

On a typical day, you probably ask plenty of questions. They are likely intended to gain information, get clarity, etc. From a leadership perspective, I believe they do more than this. Well phrased questions present opportunities to teach and reinforce shared values of the organization. I have found the key to asking good leadership questions is to think about the “quest” in your inquiry. Where do you want to take this person, group, team, etc. with your question? What values/beliefs are you trying to reinforce with your questions? For example: What questions can you ask if you want people to focus on integrity, trust, or customer satisfaction? Or their personal growth? How about creativity? Your questions of this nature should be [...]

By |2022-09-01T17:31:05+00:00September 1st, 2022|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

Model the way. 

I have a question for you, take a moment and think of a person in history whom you most admire---someone you could imagine following willingly. Who would that person be for you? I have asked that question countless times in my seminars and workshops. When I ask the follow-up question, "What would make you follow them?" The answers are as follows: "They have strong beliefs." "They are a person of principle." "They are passionate about their causes." "They live out their values." Abraham Lincoln said it best, "A good example is worth a thousand sermons." I know this to be true—so I am reminding all of us who lead people: what you do has more impact on others than all the [...]

By |2022-08-24T13:03:08+00:00August 24th, 2022|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments
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