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So far Bob Fashano has created 170 blog entries.

Compare? Don’t you dare? 

Comparison for a leader is dangerous. It can prevent us from celebrating our accomplishments. You may have just done a great thing, and when you compare it to great things others have done, it can be a "downer." I like the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, "Comparison is the thief of joy." A couple of things can happen in the comparison lane: You feel inferior to others You feel superior to others In each case, there is not a good outcome. As a leader, let me remind you to be the best version of yourself. Your people are expecting you to be authentic and at the top of your game. When you feel inferior, it will show up. When you feel superior, [...]

By |2023-03-15T00:20:06+00:00March 15th, 2023|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

How’s your commitment? 

Commitment is a strong word. It's a promise, a pledge, a responsibility. As leaders, we make commitments and ask and expect commitments from others. Well, we all know that we can't control the behavior of others. For the most part, we can control our behavior. So, the question is, "How is your commitment?" You have a vision for your company, your division, your department, and your team. Here are some challenging questions for you. Are you regularly sharing the vision? Do you place your people in the vision? Do they know their role in the vision? That's commitment. You have a mission. Do all your people know the mission? Do your people take ownership of the mission? Do you, as the [...]

By |2023-03-08T01:47:23+00:00March 8th, 2023|Coaching|0 Comments

It’s about your vision.

What I have learned to be true over the years is that our people want a better future. They expect their leader(s) to have an image of a better future and the ability to articulate the vision clearly. The process starts with you -- the leader. And the vision begins here with you. As President Harry Truman said, "The Buck Stops here." So here are some questions to ponder: What do you see for your company, division, or department 3-5 years down the road? You are building something; what does it look like? Is there absolute clarity in your mind? Do you have the resources or the ability to obtain them to create this better future? Once you have a [...]

By |2023-03-08T01:54:44+00:00March 1st, 2023|Coaching, Leadership|0 Comments

Your one thing.

As you know, your leadership has nothing to do with your title or position. Your leadership has everything to do with your ability to influence the behavior of another positively. Your commitment to lifelong learning and being intentional about growing and improving leadership skills will go a long way in your influence. So now I have some questions for you to take a look at. What is the "One Thing "you should STOP doing that may hinder your leadership? Think about this moment; it could be a mannerism(body language), a habit you must break, and sometimes your tone (my wife reminds me about this). Whatever it may be, stop. Another question is, what is the "One Thing" you should START [...]

By |2023-03-08T01:53:23+00:00February 22nd, 2023|Coaching, Leadership|0 Comments

It’s a heart thing.

Hey, Leader. Leadership is a heart thing.  Oh boy, here Bob goes again with the "soft "stuff. I believe there is a prevailing myth that leaders are supposed to separate their emotions from a situation and be tough-minded and rational. Here is some news for you, research over the past 20 years has shown the most influential leaders are the most open and caring—I guess "soft" wins gain. Here is the truth, folks, some of the most critical leadership competencies, such as integrity, honor, commitment, conviction, passion, and authenticity, are about the heart. Simply put, there is no faith and hope without the leader's heart. Our people expect their leaders to bring hope and hope for a better future. Author and [...]

By |2023-03-08T01:52:17+00:00February 15th, 2023|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments
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