The fact remains, that we will always have conflict. On the job, with the boss, if you’re the boss with employees, at home in our relationships, and even outside the home.

Frankly, as a leader, IT COMES WITH THE TERRITORY, we may not like it, but as the overused statement goes “it is what it is.” How well you manage and handle conflict can be a deal-breaker.

Conflict is like fire. When it sparks, it can intensify, spread, and cause pain, loss, and irreparable damage. It can distract, derail, and possibly destroy relationships. However, conflict is not an inherently bad thing. Different views, beliefs, feelings, values, and ideas will often collide. That is everyday life.

My main point is, that as leaders we can’t run from conflict. It needs to be addressed. Through my years, I have had my share. Here are some lessons and reminders to keep in mind when confronting conflict:

  • Remain calm (easier said, but critical) it can be contagious
  • Listen carefully, be teachable
  • Never attack the person
  • Don’t postpone action, get the facts, and take action
  • Check your motive
  • Be clear, be specific
  • If you are wrong, apologize, and own it, there are no excuses