

Comparison is the thief of joy. 

The quote, "Comparison is the thief of joy," is from Eleanor Roosevelt. When I read this many years ago, it really hit home. Like most of you, I consider myself somewhat competitive. I like to win just like the next person. As a result, I naturally tended to compare myself or my company to others. In business, I was part of a large distribution network with over 100+ organizations like mine from all over the country. The parent company would publish monthly standings based on sales. Our location was Buffalo N.Y. We would appear in the publication with offices in New York City, Los Angeles, etc. We couldn't compete with the volume of business they were doing. At times, quite frankly, [...]

By |2024-10-09T13:01:31+00:00October 3rd, 2024|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

Where does accountability start? 

Where does accountability start? This is not a rhetorical question. I believe there is a clear answer: it starts with the leader. If you, as the leader, want a high accountability culture, it starts with you. Allow me to explain. It's true: it is lonely at the top. As a result, I have found that from time to time, I have to ask myself some tough questions to hold myself accountable. Here are some examples you may want to ask yourself. Am I keeping my priorities? Or am I wavering on occasion? Am I communicating with absolute clarity? Or is it fuzzy sometimes? Am I really listening to the other person? Am I 100% locked into what they are saying? [...]

By |2024-09-27T12:37:53+00:00September 27th, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

Trust matters.

Trust does matter; we all know that. Trust is the currency of every relationship. Reaching out to your people and building relationships based on trust appears to be a natural concept. Sometimes, it is not all simple. So, how do you build trust that lasts? Below are a few ideas you may want to consider: You can start with a mindset that people want to contribute. I believe, and hope you do as well, that most of your people come to work every day and want to do a good job. Value your people and believe in them. Let them know you trust them and believe in them. Ask yourself, why should they trust you if you don't trust them?   In [...]

By |2024-09-27T12:37:08+00:00September 19th, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

Are they properly equipped? 

It has been said countless times, and I believe it is true: "The most important asset we have in our business is our people." Henry Ford said it best: "You can take away my buildings, machinery, my land, but leave me my people, and in no time, I will have everything back." Henry understood his most important asset. One of our jobs as leaders is to hire the right people and then put them in a place where they can shine. We then need to create and be clear on the expectations. The next step is to equip them—equip them with the tools and resources, train them, and evaluate their progress. Part of equipping them is helping them stay focused on [...]

By |2024-09-27T12:36:11+00:00September 11th, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

Our most valuable resource. 

What is our most valuable resource? I suggest it is time. It’s the most valuable because we don’t have infinite time. Time is a finite resource. Consider some commonly used phrases we find ourselves saying, such as time flies, I don’t have enough time, where does the time go? I’m wasting my time—I think you get the point. As leaders, prioritizing time is a critical competency we must strive to improve. You have meetings, appointments, deadlines, issues to deal with, strategies to develop, and the list goes on. We need to guard ourselves from the "tyranny of the urgent." Put another way--” the most noise gets your attention.” that may not be the best use of your time at that moment. [...]

By |2024-09-09T19:59:33+00:00September 7th, 2024|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments
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