

Your most valuable currency 

Emotional intelligence author Daniel Goleman  suggests, "As a leader moves up in an organization, up to 90% of their success lies in emotional intelligence." He further points out, "The three primary derailers are: difficulty handling change, not being able to work well in a team, and poor interpersonal relations." Guess that pretty well says it all. Over the years I have learned (and I am still learning) that the leader's most valuable currency is not money, nor is it IQ, multiple degrees, the number of techno gizmos attached to your person, industry experience, good looks, charisma, ability to create strategies and a business plan (how be they important) read a profit and loss statement, and well, you get the point. I [...]

By |2020-08-26T11:39:20+00:00August 26th, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Being humble is not weakness or meekness. 

Being humble is not thinking less of yourself - it is thinking of yourself less. Forbes writer George Bradt has noted, "One of the most fundamental lessons of leadership is that if you're a leader, it's not about you. It is about the people following you. The best leaders devote almost all of their energy to inspiring and developing others." What I have learned over the years is that my job as a leader is likened to a shepherd. It is about leading them - it's about them. I don't have to shine. It's about the mission, and the team. As a leader, we need to be more like a conductor than a soloist. Here are some tips to help: Create a system where everything [...]

By |2020-08-19T01:08:01+00:00August 19th, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Your Top 20% Club

If you spend all of your time trying to turn strugglers into survivors you'll have little time for the rewarding work of helping your good people become great. As leaders we are often faced with the critical question of. "Who should we invest most of our time with?" Most of us are familiar with the Pareto Principle of 80/20. In the example of business, 20% of the people in the organization are responsible for 80% of the results/success - you may refer to those folks as your Top Guns. Identify your top 20% and commit to investing a disproportionate amount of your time, energy, resources and rewards into their strengths. Jim Collins in his book, Built To Last suggested a [...]

By |2020-08-05T11:19:25+00:00August 5th, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Passion vs. Conviction

People want to follow a passionate leader.  When we as leaders are passionate about a topic, it can be contagious.  So what is the difference between passion and conviction? We can be passionate about something and have not necessarily lived it,  or may not have successfully experienced what it is we are passionate about.  It's primarily intellectual.  An example could be in sports.  A coach of a team (never played the sport) can be passionate about playing hard, preparing, winning, the game etc. However a coach who is convicted, has played the game, prepared, practiced- his/her players will feel the conviction. Conviction breeds credibility.  It is stronger than a belief.  A conviction is a belief so strong that it governs [...]

By |2020-04-21T01:31:05+00:00March 2nd, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

It’s all about the People

Isn’t it true that people are an organization's most appreciable asset?  What I’m learning is the longer I’m in the seat the more value I need to place on people -- in particular the top 20%. When it is all said and done, I believe leadership isn’t about strategy, efficiency, marketing systems or high quality products -- it’s about people! We lead people -- not manage them.  Our people skills are the leader’s most critical asset.  Developing, practicing, and honing people skills are a good investment of our time as a leader. There is no substitute for the leader who is good with people.  If you are good with people you can lead in a variety of contexts. Bottom line [...]

By |2020-04-21T01:15:30+00:00February 20th, 2020|Coaching, Connecting, Development, Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments
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