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So far Bob Fashano has created 70 blog entries.

So what is a mentor to do?

Research has proven that most people with mentors stay. Mentoring has become a way to transfer critical skills and knowledge, inspiring loyalty, improved engagement, buy-in, and increased productivity. If the plan is to build a more inclusive organization, mentoring is a powerful approach. I see more mentoring in my consulting and coaching work; and I stress it wherever possible. Results are the proof. The more direct reports who are mentored, the more engaged they become, and the less likely they will think about leaving. The simple truth is mentoring can be done without specific training or much time. In many cases, leaders mentor naturally without even realizing it. When you engage in mentoring, try these practices: Walk your talk: model what is [...]

By |2024-02-21T14:30:28+00:00February 21st, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

Your people want answers

As leaders, we know that many activities are critical to the organization's success. Right now, I am identifying FOUR that we must intentionally improve. I believe we own the results; we may have selected someone on the team to execute—but ultimately, we own it. Those four include selecting qualified people, setting expectations, training them, and developing them. Below, I have selected some potential questions your people may be asking themselves and are looking for answers that only you can answer. Do I know what is expected of me? Is there 100% clarity on the what, where, when, how? Am I equipped with the tools and resources to do the job effectively? Who can I count on for direction and support [...]

By |2024-01-03T00:57:05+00:00January 3rd, 2024|Development, Leadership|0 Comments

What great leaders do?

There are many things great leaders do that differentiate them. I have identified 10. Over the next two weeks, I will share them with you. Great leaders care but never compromise.  As leaders, we must care about our people. We must continually seek to understand them. We must point them in the right direction to the resources that will help them. There is a fine line between care and candor. There are times when we need to call them out, hold them to a higher standard, and never compromise our culture and values. Great leaders inspire, not try to motivate.  I have learned I can’t motivate someone to perform. I thought I could. Motivation comes from within. Our role as [...]

By |2023-10-10T20:02:52+00:00October 10th, 2023|Leadership|0 Comments

You, the leader coach.

As a leader, we have many responsibilities and wear several hats. The best way to build the business is to help people, mainly your key people grow. You may have seen or heard me say PEOPLE GROWTH = BUSINESS GROWTH, and LACK OF PEOPLE GROWTH =BUSINESS IN DECAY. How about this thought—what is worse, investing in and developing people, and they leave? Or, not develop them, and they stay? I have learned that coaching begins by seeing greatness in people and helping them discover it. I love this quote from German writer Goethe, "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being." Your belief in people will [...]

By |2023-08-15T18:33:03+00:00August 15th, 2023|Coaching|0 Comments

The destination disease. 

Destination disease is such a strong phrase that John Maxwell coined.  As a leader, we need to avoid this disease at all costs. The consequences are not good. So, what is destination disease, you ask? It is when you believe you have arrived, have all the answers, are at the top, and have success in your pocket. As a result, the tendency is to stop growing, stop learning, and stop pushing to acquire new skills and knowledge. It is not hard to be content, especially at the top. You have the influence and respect of your people. Here is what I know to be true when you are through learning, YOU ARE THROUGH. That's it, plain and simple. The bottom [...]

By |2023-08-08T18:29:16+00:00August 8th, 2023|Leadership|0 Comments
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