Yearly Archives: 2024


Just give me praise, please.

Recognizing a job well done or an "over the top" achievement is always welcomed by your people. Research has shown that praise and recognition are as important and, in some instances, more important than money. For example, if you received a note written to you from your boss, you have likely kept that the longest in your drawer; in fact, you may still have it. Why is that? Because praise works for everyone, there is no such thing as too much praise (as long as it's sincere). I have learned that regardless of individual preferences, virtually all employees want to hear what great work they have done. By the way, they wouldn't mind hearing it over again. It's like a sweet [...]

By |2024-02-27T22:04:27+00:00February 27th, 2024|Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

So what is a mentor to do?

Research has proven that most people with mentors stay. Mentoring has become a way to transfer critical skills and knowledge, inspiring loyalty, improved engagement, buy-in, and increased productivity. If the plan is to build a more inclusive organization, mentoring is a powerful approach. I see more mentoring in my consulting and coaching work; and I stress it wherever possible. Results are the proof. The more direct reports who are mentored, the more engaged they become, and the less likely they will think about leaving. The simple truth is mentoring can be done without specific training or much time. In many cases, leaders mentor naturally without even realizing it. When you engage in mentoring, try these practices: Walk your talk: model what is [...]

By |2024-02-21T14:30:28+00:00February 21st, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

Better is first.

Recently, I was referred to a CEO by a CEO client of mine. My client has experienced significant business growth in the past two years and mentioned our work to his friend. We scheduled a "get acquainted "meeting at a coffee shop. Upon questioning him, he clearly stated he wanted to expand and get bigger. He has four retail locations in South Florida and wants 10 in the next three years. I know I shocked him to pause when I said I don't believe I'm his person. I pointed out that I don't work in the "bigger" space but in the better" space. I further pointed out that if we partnered, the focus would be on improving. Every aspect of [...]

By |2024-01-24T14:30:03+00:00January 24th, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

If it ain’t broke.

I bet you could finish the line above; you likely have heard it or used it yourself. When things seem to be working smoothly, leave it alone. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." That's right, save your energy for what isn't working. First of all, if you have a system or process that is not functioning as it should, you certainly need to give it your attention. I have a challenge for all today. I am challenging us not to fall into the trap of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. "Here is what I have learned from not subscribing to that mindset. The system or process could be working fine at a particular time; however, there could [...]

By |2024-01-16T18:24:52+00:00January 17th, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

Connecting with the Type A Treatment. 

You know that connection is a key to developing the relationship and, in turn, developing people. It all starts with the leader connecting. As leaders, we need to be very intentional when connecting with those we choose to lead. We need to remember they want to be seen. They want to be understood. They want to be valued. They want to be heard. After all, don't YOU? We can only do that when we are upfront and personal. That is where the impact will come from, not on the stage or in a meeting with others present. So here is the TYPE A treatment: Give them 100% ATTENTION. Be locked in on everything they say. Eliminate any potential distractions. Listen [...]

By |2024-01-09T15:27:21+00:00January 10th, 2024|Connecting|0 Comments
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