Last week, I wrote about one of my clients who told me he was “too busy for the soft stuff.” He explained that he didn’t have enough time for regular one-to-one meetings with his top performers. As he put it, ”too busy putting out the fires.” He pointed out they are not ignored. They know they can come to me anytime they need me or have an issue.

I asked him what would happen if he intentionally connected with them first instead of just responding. It seemed I got his attention when I asked him if he was too busy for his best and who he had time for.

Who is getting your valuable time? Our meeting was about 6 -7 months ago. During this time, we worked on his priorities and delegation. He has been conducting weekly one-to-one meetings with three of his top performers for several months. Meetings are only 30 minutes long, which is manageable for both.

He and I meet monthly and occasionally, by phone or email, during our one-to-one time. He has been reporting remarkable success in his meetings with his best. He has shared resources and personal connections that have helped his team members.

We discussed that most of the meetings with his team members should be asking open-ended questions and learning what is going on. He went on to share one example he had recently. When he inquired about a specific customer and what was needed. He discovered something he assumed. He assumed his team member knew where to get the resources and the solution. That was not the case. As a result, he directed the team member to the head of IT to assist him with a solution. They nailed it—bottom line. Happier client.

Also, he continually learns the power of staying connected to your best. In another situation, he asked this director, “What should we do more as a company?” The conversation led to the arranging of a full-blown leadership team meeting to explore the matter further. This resulted in a new process that was more efficient in delivery—another example of asking and learning.

There is simply no substitute for initiating and staying connected to your best. It is a great investment of your time.