We are very familiar with the importance of EQ (emotional intelligence). There is an ongoing discussion of which is more important: IQ or EQ. Frankly, I don’t feel qualified to enter the debate. However, I have learned that forming and developing people skills (a component of EQ ) is critical in growing a business.

Emotionally Intelligent leaders have a people-first mindset and can satisfy their own needs and wants while serving the needs and wants of those they lead.

Our ability to develop connections and lasting relationships separates us as leaders. In my coaching practice, I encounter leaders who are too busy with strategy, marketing, product development, systems, etc., resulting in insufficient time for people development. However, when asked what their most important asset is, the answer invariably is their people, particularly their key people, inner circle, and top performers. How ironic, but it is real.

Here is the truth—if you want people to buy into your vision and mission, they must buy into you first. Below are some reminder questions you should ask yourself:

  • Am I investing my time with my best? Do they know and feel my support and care for them?
  • Is there a skill I need to acquire or improve that will strengthen my relationship with them? (When I ask my clients that question, they reluctantly say to listen.)

As leaders, we don’t readily admit that we need to be better listeners. But when honesty is at stake, better listening wins the day.

  • Do I see my role as a “ people first” leader?

Please don’t misunderstand; I am in no way diminishing the importance of the bottom line. We all know you can’t sustain without profit. It is important to remember that when we lead and take care of our people, they will, likewise, take care of the customer.