What is our most valuable resource? I suggest it is time. It’s the most valuable because we don’t have infinite time. Time is a finite resource.

Consider some commonly used phrases we find ourselves saying, such as time flies, I don’t have enough time, where does the time go? I’m wasting my time—I think you get the point.

As leaders, prioritizing time is a critical competency we must strive to improve. You have meetings, appointments, deadlines, issues to deal with, strategies to develop, and the list goes on.

We need to guard ourselves from the “tyranny of the urgent.” Put another way–” the most noise gets your attention.” that may not be the best use of your time at that moment.

I am reminding all of us today to be jealous of time. Guard it, protect it, honor it as your most treasured resource.

I have found three key factors in approaching our use of time.

  • VALUE TIME—Yes, treat it like it is—a finite resource. Develop a keen awareness of how, where, and with whom you devote your time.
  • INVEST TIME—View time as an investment. We always want a rate of return on investments. When we are jealous of time, we can become intentional with how we use time.
  • PRIORITIZE TIME—We are all familiar with “ I must manage my time.” My translation is, “ I must prioritize my time.“

I have found there are three kinds of time: 

  • What I LOVE to do (Passionate about it, look forward to it )
  • What I MUST do (My to-do list is typically extensive with insufficient T___E.
  • What I SHOULD do –These are the critical activities that drive results and provide the best ROI.

All the best as you maximize your most precious resource.