

Time for a check-up. What are you projecting?

In a recent workshop I conducted last week, we discussed the importance of our belief in our people. I'd like to share with you some of the thoughts I shared with the group. For starters, your expectations, what you unconsciously think each of your people can produce and will produce, are powerful beliefs telepathically sent out to them. You see, what I know to be true is, you project these beliefs in your actions, attitudes, and behaviors. Unconsciously we say, "I expect you to perform at a high level and do a great job." Or we may project (not intentionally), "I really don't expect too much." Your every action supports your belief. For example, how you look at someone could send [...]

By |2023-07-04T18:09:45+00:00July 4th, 2023|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments

Celebrate success.  Isn’t it true there is something that happens when you celebrate? It really doesn’t matter WHAT is celebrated; it is simply a joyful time recognizing something SPECIAL. As leaders, we should constantly be aware of an occasion to celebrate success and achievement. Celebrating doesn’t mean a trip to Vegas or Cabo San Lucas. Celebrating success is more of an attitude, a mindset, a philosophy. We create a culture where we notice and recognize, and celebrate victories. It can become our natural way of behavior. We celebrate little and big wins. Whether you lead a company, department, division or team, you build an achievement-based culture when you celebrate and recognize your people. You are creating an ongoing, self -perpetuating cycle [...]

By |2023-06-13T20:23:55+00:00June 13th, 2023|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments

Not another meeting.

When you are in leadership, you are in plenty of meetings. In many instances, you are leading and facilitating the discussion. You can be confident that around the "watercooler," your people occasionally say," Oh no, not another meeting." Knowing that your team resents another meeting is not a good feeling as the leader. So, what can you do about making the meetings more productive? Here are some "meeting rules "I have found helpful that may help the team look forward to the meeting. It is up to you, the leader, to adhere to them. Have a specific goal for the meeting (be sure to communicate this) Have an agenda, and be sure to stick to it (careful of rabbit trails) [...]

By |2023-05-31T00:47:05+00:00May 31st, 2023|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments

Are you listening to me? 

Can you think of someone in your life, someone very close to you, who often says to you, "You just don't listen to me?" Well, I am guilty of that, and I am working on it. We all know the importance of listening in developing and sustaining a relationship. It is better to understand than be understood. Your team members, the people you lead, expect that of you. They want to be understood. In other words, what they say matters. To be clear, listening is not hearing. Hearing is a physical act. Listening is more intentional and emotional. When we hear, we accept sounds. We are engaged in an active versus passive activity when we listen intentionally. In his book, [...]

By |2023-05-02T21:07:48+00:00May 2nd, 2023|Connecting, Leadership|0 Comments

Could you be fully present?

Often it is easy to slip into the habit of not being present. After all, as a leader, you have plenty of activities in your mind and at your office. Here's an example. Someone on your team "pops their head into your door" and asks—" Have a minute?" Oh boy, here it comes (do they mean a minute?). You are in the middle of something; it could be a critical subject that is time sensitive – you look up, respond and say something like –" may I get back to you in a little while?" Here is what just happened (I have been guilty of this) you have just sent a message, albeit unintentional--- that no one should interrupt you [...]

By |2023-04-25T20:45:21+00:00April 25th, 2023|Coaching, Connecting|0 Comments
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