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Inspire your team to persevere.
I have been reflecting on the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton. He led the entire crew of his ship, Endurance, to safety after being marooned on an ice floe for 15 months. Forced to abandon his original plan to cross the Antarctic, Shackleton’s story holds strong lessons for leaders facing uncontrollable change.
Here are a few of his actions that you […]
Purpose and meaning.
How important is it for your team to “show up” for purpose and meaning? Here are some eye-opening stats to consider.
Robert Half researched why employees quit their current jobs. One of the top responses was to have more meaning and purpose.
Another study by Reward Gateway found that 89% of employers said employees must understand the company’s mission; […]
What is a leader to do?
If you are leading, nothing is more rewarding than guiding someone to grow and become all they can be. It doesn’t matter if you lead a large company, a department, or a small group of team members. Your leadership (your influence) matters.
Leading, as you know, is also very challenging at times. People are complex, emotional, and have preferences (I could […]
Just give me praise, please.
Recognizing a job well done or an “over the top” achievement is always welcomed by your people. Research has shown that praise and recognition are as important and, in some instances, more important than money.
For example, if you received a note written to you from your boss, you have likely kept that the longest in your drawer; in fact, you […]
So what is a mentor to do?
Research has proven that most people with mentors stay. Mentoring has become a way to transfer critical skills and knowledge, inspiring loyalty, improved engagement, buy-in, and increased productivity.
If the plan is to build a more inclusive organization, mentoring is a powerful approach. I see more mentoring in my consulting and coaching work; and I stress it wherever possible. Results are […]
Better is first.
Recently, I was referred to a CEO by a CEO client of mine. My client has experienced significant business growth in the past two years and mentioned our work to his friend.
We scheduled a “get acquainted “meeting at a coffee shop. Upon questioning him, he clearly stated he wanted to expand and get bigger. He has four retail locations in […]