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So far Bob Fashano has created 170 blog entries.

The customer experience. 

Today, I remind us to focus on creating a lasting customer experience. Ask yourself, "What is it like to experience our company, department, business, or division?" What is the experience our customers are receiving?" As leaders, we are in control of the customer experience. I strongly believe that the experience starts with the first interaction with the customer. The interaction could be on the phone or in person. Whatever the situation, you will only have one attempt at creating a strong first impression. I realize this is elementary and basic. It is: basics win championships. It is easy for us to overlook the first impression as we are focused on providing customer service. Of course, customer service is critical; I'm [...]

By |2024-06-18T13:03:38+00:00May 22nd, 2024|Connecting|0 Comments

What does influence look like? 

I have come to believe the essence of leadership is simply influence. To be clear, I’m not referring to manipulation. The leader must be authentic to influence others positively and help change behavior. Recently, in one of my coaching sessions, I discussed influence with my client. She asked me for some examples of how best to gain influence. She wondered if there was a process or a system to follow. I responded that it was not; however, some factors must be present to gain influence. I explained that influence is earned over time. It doesn’t happen overnight; people will follow and buy into your leadership. I went on to discuss the following factors with her. I have found that the [...]

By |2024-06-18T13:02:32+00:00May 15th, 2024|Leadership|0 Comments

The importance of delegation.

All leaders know how important delegation is. We have many tasks and activities that someone else on the team should be doing. Here is the challenge: when we get overloaded, the temptation is to just "get this off my to-do list." Care must be taken to ensure we are not pushing our work to someone else. That is not delegation. When delegating, we must be confident that the other person can execute the task effectively. Below are some questions to consider before delegating. Do they have time? Do they need help prioritizing? Have they expressed interest in the task or project? Do they have the necessary skills to execute? Do they typically meet deadlines? If others are involved, do they [...]

By |2024-05-07T16:50:01+00:00May 7th, 2024|Empowering, Leadership|0 Comments

Time to connect.

One of my favorite John Maxwell quotes is, "Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand." Applying that mindset and belief has impacted my leadership. Prior to grasping and living out this mindset, I felt I was the leader (boss), and If they needed something, they knew how to find me. For me, this becomes even more apparent for my high performers. After all, how in the world could I help increase their performance? I thought that if I walked around and said hi and asked them, "How is it going?" I was connecting with them; I reached out to them. That type of leadership is what I call the "check the box" style. I made sure I said hi [...]

By |2024-04-30T14:25:22+00:00April 30th, 2024|Connecting|0 Comments

The decisions you make today are____________.

Allow me to complete the sentence. The decisions you make today are the stories you tell TOMORROW. Think about it for a moment: We are where we are and doing what we are doing because of decisions we made prior. Each day, we have choices to make, such as what, where, how, and with whom. When you are in a leadership role with plenty of responsibility, several direct reports, and needing more days, choices are challenging. So, what is a leader to do? The first decision is to be very jealous of your time. This is where prioritization comes in. You likely have appointments on the calendar, a list of to-do’s, etc. The challenging decision is to determine WHAT you SHOULD [...]

By |2024-04-01T21:02:50+00:00March 27th, 2024|Coaching|0 Comments
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