This principle holds true in sports and business alike. Legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi famously began each preseason by holding up a football and saying, “Gentlemen, this is a football. This is what the game is called. We need to run, block, tackle, pass, and catch better than the other team. Doing so doesn’t guarantee a win, but failing to do so almost always guarantees a loss.”
And for our beloved Bills fans, Coach Sean McDermott echoed this sentiment during Sunday night’s locker room victory speech, saying, “When you take care of the football, and you take the football away, that’s what it comes down to—good, strong fundamentals.”
Similarly, UCLA basketball legend John Wooden would teach his players how to tie their shoelaces properly to prevent injuries. Basic? Yes. But all three coaches understood that mastering the fundamentals is the foundation for success.
The same is true in business. Basics win championships here, too. By focusing on foundational elements, you can win more customers and keep them. Every industry has its own basics, and as leaders, we must master them. Across industries, these four pillars—what I call the “4 S’s”—are essential:
- Structure
- Systems
- Sales
- Strategy
While there are certainly other important areas, these four are foundational. As leaders, we must take ownership of them and consistently strive for improvement. Ask yourself or your team: Where can we get better? Even when things seem to be running smoothly, there’s always room to push further and refine.
If your goal is to grow and scale your business, seeking mastery in these basics is critical. As Lombardi’s and McDermott’s lessons remind us, mastering the fundamentals won’t guarantee a win—but neglecting them will almost always guarantee a loss.
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