It has been said countless times, and I believe it is true: “The most important asset we have in our business is our people.”

Henry Ford said it best: “You can take away my buildings, machinery, my land, but leave me my people, and in no time, I will have everything back.” Henry understood his most important asset.

One of our jobs as leaders is to hire the right people and then put them in a place where they can shine. We then need to create and be clear on the expectations. The next step is to equip them—equip them with the tools and resources, train them, and evaluate their progress.

Part of equipping them is helping them stay focused on what they do best and managing areas where they do not. When discussing strengths, Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, said, “Work on your strengths and make your weaknesses irrelevant.”

In addition, as leaders, we must help remove barriers to executing the task. Along the way, we need to praise and recognize accomplishments.

It is good to check how we are equipping them regularly. It is more than simply training. Our people will respond better when they know they have the tools, resources, and support for better performance.

When you are leading a company, a department, or a division, you may likely be removed from some of the details of preparing your people for performing. This is a powerful reminder not to make assumptions. Establish a rigorous accountability process for how your team is being equipped, and watch as your greatest asset transforms into your greatest return.