The main event is a practice John Maxwell shared with a group of us a while back. Most leaders have their inner circle or their executive team. Typically, there are regular meetings, often referred to as the weekly or daily huddle. It is an opportunity for team members to learn what is happening in their respective worlds, including issues, opportunities, reporting progress, etc.

The main event is an activity, appointment, or project for that day or week, depending on the frequency of the meetings. It is added to the reporting. The main event definition requires the team member to be 100% all-in. It becomes mission-critical. As an extreme example, it is acceptable if nothing else gets done that week or day but the main event. It is the most critical activity. Each member is asked to explain their main event and why the main event is critical in that period.

What does success look like, and what are the consequences if it is not executed? I have been sharing this practice with some of my coaching clients. The feedback has been excellent. When the leader shares their main event, the rest of the team has buy-in, creating a stronger connection between the leader and the team. There is some leadership power in allowing team members into the leader’s world.

A leader recently told me that he underestimated the value of sharing what is on his plate. He thought the members would focus more on what they would say than what he was saying. Obviously, the leader has more strategic responsibilities than tactical ones. But, here is the reality: your high performers, your executive team, or your inner circle need and want to know the direction you are going in, and if you’re trying to do it with them, you cannot build connections and buy-in, without sharing how you’re going to get there. Remember that.

Remember, “the main thing is the main thing.” What’s yours?